Verbal identity development services
What applies to verbal identity? It includes all the text elements related to the company.
Name. The trademark name is protective, emotional, and translates Big Idea.
The slogan. A short message that conveys the main idea, value, and character.
The brand is a legend. A storytelling that reveals the creation story and mission.
Communication. Any texts of the company, united by the Tone of Voice, mission and values.
What the texts will be is determined by the communication platform and strategy. It is only on the basis of analytical work that a unified and harmonious brand image is created that will meet the goals and values.
How verbal identity creates business success
Verbal identity is a powerful marketing tool that helps a brand create a unique image and stand out from competitors. This is the foundation for all marketing communications, therefore it plays an important role in shaping the perception of TM by customers, influencing:
Recognition. The name, slogan, and other text elements help customers identify their brand among competitors.
Customer loyalty. Customers who understand and share the brand's mission and values are open and loyal to it and are more likely to recommend it to other people.
The integrity of the image. The unity of visual and word in all communication channels creates a logical, coherent picture. This helps the audience understand and love the brand.
For consumers, communication is a guide to using a product, a reason to choose it.
Problems with verbal brand identity = decreased interest in the brand
Verbal identity is more sensitive to changes than any other part of the brand. Changing the name and nature of communication requires huge resources to maintain recognition and not lose the audience. Despite this, companies often ignore the importance of this element of branding, focusing on visual. This leads to problems that can harm the business.
Difficulties with positioning. Without well-coordinated communication, it is impossible to convey the mission, values, and character of the brand to the audience. As a result, the product or company is perceived as ordinary, unremarkable.
Problems with recognition.If the name, slogan, or other text elements are unidentifiable, blurred, or distorted, customers will choose competitors' products and services.
Loss of customers. Companies that cannot clearly articulate and communicate their advantages have difficulty building audience loyalty. Customers don't know why they should choose this particular brand.
Difficulties with promotion. The heterogeneity and complexity of communications in media and Digital pushes people away. As a result, advertising and other types of promotion do not bring results.
Low effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Companies with an unformed verbal identity spend more money on marketing, but get fewer results. The audience doesn't understand what the brand wants to say, so they don't respond to its messages.
Defeats in the competition. Clients choose brands that offer more attractive conditions and similar values.
How Fabula Branding works with the word
We are perfectionists when it comes to working with words. We create effective, vivid verbal communications in Belarusian, Russian, English and other languages and take even small tasks seriously, offering:
a competent verbal identity, filled with meanings and containing the Big Idea of the project;
preliminary brand research (market, competitors, consumers), which serve as the basis for our work on communication;
10-20 suitable name and slogan options, selected from 200+ options and passed through 40+ marketing and linguistic filters;
uniqueness and protectability.
The effectiveness of our agency's verbal identity development can be judged by 750+ cases on naming, creating slogans and communication. And we can handle tasks of any level of complexity for any type of use.