
According to some estimates, 80% of all new products fail when entering the market and more than 10% die within 10 years. When you release a product on the market, your chances of success are 1 in 10.
M. Haig. "The biggest branding mistakes"

We, Fabula Branding company, have been in branding business for 8 years. Below we discuss our project and advice, based on our experience, knowledge, analysis of market trends and feedback from customers.

Комплексная разработка ТМ «Свежие новости» (с) Fabula Branding
Trademark Development of "Breaking News" by Fabula Branding

Комплексная разработка ТМ «Цудоўная цукерня»» (с) Fabula Branding
Trademark Development of "Tsudounaya Tsukernya " by Fabula Branding

First, let's be clear and distinguish "trademark" and "brand" concepts. The first is the verbal and the visual image of a product that includes name, logo and packaging design. The second concept includes associations, values, feelings, and expectations that come with the purchase. Behind the brand is always a certain lifestyle, habits and behavior.

Комплексная разработка ТМ Lefirelle (с) Fabula Branding
Trademark Development of Lefirelle by Fabula Branding

Комплексная разработка ТМ Landmark (с) Fabula Branding
Trademark Development of Landmark by Fabula Branding

Разработка дизайна упаковки ТМ Ligrano (с) Fabula Branding
Development of packaging design of Ligrano by Fabula Branding

Branding is a toolkit

Brand creating is a long process that begins with brand strategy development and consists of three main stages, none of them can be ignored or excluded:

1) preliminary research: the study of the product category and the product itself, the target audience, the market situation, the search and USP (Unique Selling Proposition) formation for future trademark to fully differentiate from competitors;

Разработка дизайна упаковки кантучини (с) Fabula Branding
Packaging design Cantuccini Fabula Branding

2) the development of the brand identity and consistent presentation: name, communication (slogan), design. The difference of the brand development by the specialists, rather than created by clients on their own, is that experts know how to create the commercial potential for the products and make products "sell" themselves.

Комплексная разработка ТМ «1-й "А"» (с) Fabula Branding;
Trademark Development "1st" A "" Fabula Branding

Carefully study the portfolio of potential contractors and judge the amount of actual work accepted by the customer, those products were featured on the shelves in the stores, and avoid “fake” competition designs (concept designs that exist only "on paper" and exclusively created by some agencies to participate in competitions).

Разработка дизайна упаковки ТМ «Мясная почта» (с) Fabula Branding
Development of packaging design "Meat-mail" by Fabula Branding

3) the promotion of the brand: the new product announcements and additional work to form customer loyalty for the brand.

Комплексная разработка ТМ Stara Pivnice (с) Fabula Branding
Trademark Development of Stara Pivnice Fabula Branding

Комплексная разработка ТМ «Спасибо, мама!» (с) Fabula Branding
Trademark Development of "Thanks, Mom!" Fabula Branding

A simple way to ruin a brand name – not to spend any money on the branding

The cost of brand creation, especially those done by non-professionals, can be a lot costlier in the long than the cost by professionals Unfortunately, such situations are fairly common. For example, the "very good" name, created by the company's employees, is not registered and trademarked in the relevant markets (for example, it turns out that the product is in this category is already registered, and your name has to be eventually forfeited and let’s hope that at this point you didn’t spend thousands on expansive packaging printing). Or if the same packaging, that looked so nice on the computer screen, in real market environment only “helps” competitors since competitor’s packaging looks much better in real life.

Each stage of professional development of the future trademark has numerous highly specialized tests and inspections, including innovative proprietary methods which are the company’s intellectual property (do not assume or speak for everybody, but we perform all those tests). Design, name and slogan are created and evaluated by branding experts and it is done not from the standpoint of "like - do not like", "beautiful – not so nice", but in terms of "will it work on the shelf, visualness and profitability."

Редизайн этикетки ТМ Darida Aqua (с) Fabula Branding
Redesign packaging TM Darida Aqua by Fabula Branding

Branding – is not about pictures, it is about sales. A packing design is an independent advertising space, owned by the manufacturer, and the company can express its message to the consumer. By the way, the right use of colors can increase brand awareness by 80%!

Дизайн упаковки и логотипа ТМ «Веселые внучата» (с) Fabula Branding
Packaging Design and Logo for "Happy Grandchildren" by Fabula Branding

We present you with a brand of Italian cheeses Bonfesto,designed by Fabula for Turov Dairy Plant. This project is an example of a competent and successful customer collaboration with branding company.

Комплексная разработка ТМ Bonfesto (с) Fabula Branding

Natalia Chernik, director of development and marketing service of "Turov Dairy Plant": "We faced a very difficult task because thedemand for this product had to be created from scratch. It was necessary to discover new customers and friends for their products - Italian cheeses. In a small segment of potential consumers familiar with these products, it was necessary to confidently compete with foreign offerings or international companies with many years of successful experience in the European markets."

Комплексная разработка ТМ Bonfesto (с) Fabula Branding

"The development of the new brand includes a complex work on naming and packaging design and requires the selection of the contractor, capable to cope with both tasks on the high level. In addition, we were looking for a partner capable to put heart and soul into a systematic visual presentation for our products since our company employees put their soul into the development and production of our good offerings. These factors have determined our choice in favor of the Fabula Branding company, which fully paid off, where in close cooperation we were able to create, to bring to market, and to ensure the dynamic development of a successful brand."

New product appeared on the market in May 2013, and by January 2015 Bonfesto trademark won the Grand Prix as the "Brand of the Year". During last year, the number of SKU under Bonfesto brand increased from 11 to 39 and the export of products abroad doubled, which amounted to 80% of total production.



Комплексная разработка ТМ Bonfesto (с) Fabula Branding


Комплексная разработка ТМ Bonfesto (с) Fabula Branding

Bonfesto today is a real brand, known not only in Belarus, but also in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) market. We, as a branding company, developed a professional, stylish, great commercial potential trademark in accordance with the rules of sound branding, the client provided high-quality products and a full range of services for its growth. 

In the classical sense of the word, to grow and develop a trademark into a brand, we need resources. But the end justifies the investment: a strong brand becomes a significant barrier to take your share of the market from competitors. In addition, it creates a sense of the familiar security in times of change, when the consumer starts to save and gives preference to proven and recognizable brands. Thus, competent branding becomes both a tool and a key to survival in times of crisis and will greatly reduce the advertising budget.

Another good example of branding is the development of its own brand «Very!» for GIPPO (foreign enterprise "BelWillesden"). The private label was launched in 2014 and the range of products has grown from 33 to more than 150 SKUs in the following year.

Комплексная разработка СТМ "Очень!" (с) Fabula Branding

Комплексная разработка СТМ "Очень!" (с) Fabula Branding

According to the head of the marketing department Yuriy Zabolotny, "at the first contact with the brand, Very! consumer emotionally reacted to an atypical naming, memorized it, actively shared information with friends and acquaintances. And most importantly, that in terms of fresh produce and egg products, the trademark Very! generated superior sales when compared to competitors.”

Here it is, the power of naming, developed by professionals to generate proper communication right from the start!

Комплексная разработка СТМ "Очень!" (с) Fabula Branding

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