Analytics and research

Brand integrity begins with its values. We help you find them and create a powerful strategy. To do this, our marketing team studies the market, competitors, global trends and consumer behavior, and analyzes the product.
Analytics and research
Analytics and research

Analytics and research is a service unit that begins the road to successful branding or rebranding. A client comes with a specific business request, shares their tasks or problems, and we translate it into marketing language and find a solution. 

Analytics as a guide to action

Analytics and research are a stage of complex work that provides an understanding of exactly what services a business needs. Strategists, designers, copywriters, agency managers, and the client's team rely on the data obtained. Sometimes small changes are enough to strengthen the identification of a trademark, greatly increasing revenue. 

The block includes:

  • study of cross-categories, analysis of substitutes;

  • analysis of trends, trends;

  • competitive analysis: local and global practices;

  • consumer research;

  • brand audit.

Our experts in the field of analytics study everything related to a trademark, determining its place in the market, in people's minds. Using this data helps strengthen your position. Let's take a closer look at each of the block's services.

Categorical and cross-categorical research of consumer markets — monitoring categories in order to find opportunities for expansion or diversification. Analysis of substitutes — the study of alternative products that buyers may consider as substitutes. The service helps companies understand competitive threats and potential changes in preferences.

Business trend analysis and trend research is the study of patterns for forecasting development, making informed decisions about product development, and creating marketing strategies.

The analysis of the competitive environment consists of two stages. Local affects a specific geographical region — local competitors, consumer preferences, and the regulatory framework are studied. Global involves an international assessment, taking into account factors such as market share, distribution channels, and reputation. The stage helps companies understand their position in the global market, identify opportunities for growth and differentiation.

Consumer Research is the collection and analysis of data related to people's preferences, behavior, and purchase decisions. Research methods include expert and in-depth interviews, focus groups, tastings, statistical data review, and feedback monitoring. The goal is to find out the needs and motives of the target audience, identify market trends and justify strategic decision—making.

Brand audit is a comprehensive study of brand positioning, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (brand SWOT analysis), the competitive environment and the perception of the target audience. The service includes an assessment of TM's identity, analysis of competitive advantages, reputation, message consistency, and consumer engagement. It is conducted to find growth points and suggest ways to correct shortcomings.

Fabula Branding results: benefits for the client's business

Based on the results of the work, we create a presentation containing subsections that correspond to each of the block's services. There we talk in detail about the results of research and analysis, using illustrative material, graphs, tables. And we give specific recommendations to the client, telling them about the points of business growth, forming goals and objectives. 

Each of our clients is confident that the agency's team:

  • uses the most effective brand research methods and self-developed tools;

  • He will not leave the client alone with a huge presentation of the work results — he will definitely explain, draw conclusions, and give recommendations.;

  • he will take into account the wishes of the client, because he understands that the brand is a part of his life.

Below we have posted a portfolio describing the projects that we have made successful with the help of brand analytics. 

Find out more about the health of your brand
Find out more about the health of your brand