Study of cross-categories and analysis of substitutes

The market is constantly changing. Fresh trends and trends are emerging. Consumer preferences, laws governing product quality, packaging, and terms of sale are changing. 
Study of cross-categories and analysis of substitutes
Analyzing these changes helps brand owners find new development opportunities ahead of their competitors.

The basis for a strong strategy

The basis of market analysis is categorical, cross-categorical research and analysis of substitutes. A comprehensive study helps brands to delve deeper into the interests and behaviors of the audience and understand where to go next. Based on the results of the work, you can build the right brand strategy.

Basic concepts

What are the differences between the areas to study at this stage of research?

A category is a group of products united by common properties, purpose, and sales logic. If a company has a coffee brand, it is important to know which competitors will be on the shelf with it, as well as to study global trends in packaging, composition, and audience preferences.

Cross-category — related products that the consumer can take in addition to the main purchase. For example, you can often find sweets next to coffee — when choosing a drink, a person is more likely to think about dessert for it. Cross-categorical research helps to understand which products or services can be additionally offered to Central Asia and how best to present them.

Substitutes are products that can serve as a substitute for a product. In the case of coffee, tea can be a substitute, so these categories are related: an increase in the price of some leads to an increase in prices for others. The analysis of substitutes helps to evaluate competitors as fully as possible and build a powerful brand strategy.

During our work, we had to deal with the need to create new categories, as the product did not meet the criteria of existing ones. And even such a difficult task is solved with due attention to the stage of analytics and research.

Features of Fabula Branding's strategic work

Our team takes a responsible approach to research, perceiving each stage as part of a holistic work on the brand. This is how we manage to create brand platforms that serve customers long and faithfully. Our principles are:

  • an integrated approach;

  • large-scale study at the local and global levels;

  • a system of conclusions and recommendations.

After completing the work, we provide the client with the optimal solution for business development, as well as ready-made tools for turning a trademark into a brand.

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Find out more about the health of your brand