Competitive analysis

Local and global competitor research perform different functions, but serve the same purpose, forming the foundation for a strong brand. To develop a powerful strategy, you need to understand the positioning of competitors, how to communicate your value proposition, and how to interact with your target audience.

Competitive analysis

Brand territory matters

Competitive analysis is a compass that guides business in difficult market conditions.

Local research is conducted to get an objective and complete picture of the market of your country. The work includes studying the strengths and weaknesses of local competitors, the specifics of communication with the audience, behavior in the media space, as well as identifying new trends in society.

On a global scale, the scope of competitive analysis is greatly expanding. For companies that do not plan to enter foreign markets, it is important to learn from the experience of developing foreign brands, evaluate trends and be inspired by fresh ideas. And multinational brands need a thorough study of the global market — entering other countries requires knowledge of cultural nuances and the regulatory framework.

The differences between local and global competitive analysis lie in the focus and depth of the research. Local, as a rule, is more detailed and focuses on direct competitors and market features in a specific geographical area. Global research allows us to look at the issue more broadly, studying macroeconomic factors, geopolitical dynamics and trends in the development of the industry.

Competitive analysis: why it is impossible to act intuitively

Companies always have an idea of the competitors in their country's market. By being in the same environment with them, visiting stores, watching advertising campaigns, and evaluating customer interaction directly, at the consumer level, teams gain valuable insights into market development. Understanding the cultural code also plays an important role — living in the same space with competitors and consumers, you share values, goals and pains with them.

The ability to act intuitively is a big plus for a business if it involves targeted actions. But on a strategic level, this behavior leads to serious problems. By conducting competitive analysis, our strategists guarantee clients the following.

  • Objectivity. We offer verified information, free from prejudice.

  • Depth. Branding experts have the knowledge and experience to conduct a thorough analysis of competitors that goes beyond surface observations.

  • Access to data and tools. We have access to databases and market research reports that may not be available to customers.

  • Strategic vision. Our strategists form conclusions and recommendations based on analysis, helping brands understand their competitive position and identify opportunities for differentiation.

  • Benchmarking. We professionally compare brand and competitor performance, identifying growth points.

  • Industry experience. Extensive work experience gives us a holistic view of global and local markets, which we are happy to share with customers.

It is important to remember that competitive analysis is one of the stages of a comprehensive strategic study. We carry out full-fledged strategic work, saving internal resources, time and money of clients.

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