Documentation for implementation
Everyone goes this way one way or another. Some do it on their own, facing difficulties and serious miscalculations. Others pay huge amounts of money to foreign companies. Still others are looking for the best value for money options in agencies in Belarus or Russia.
The work of a branding agency usually ends with a brandbook that contains the standards for the design of a retail brand, the wish establishment of a retail outlet. But this is not the end of the work — the design solution needs to be implemented correctly.
Architectural concept
This is a broad concept, which is easiest to formulate as an answer to three questions: "what? To whom? how?". The answer is in words, images, drawings, calculations, and numbers. At this stage, the frame of the outlet is being assembled: it is a planning solution, technology, and equipment arrangement. It is important to check from the very first day onwards at each stage of the work whether this solution is acceptable to the client from the point of view of the budget.
When the planning solution is developed, the stage of creating architectural images begins. The architect works taking into account the brandbook, the planning solution, and the budget. With each redesign, with each approval, it evaluates in terms of branding, marketing, concept, engineering and financial constraints. Solutions that are born on this basis live a long time, bring profit and returns.
Work on the concept is being completed with a set of sketches and 3D visuals that make it possible to evaluate the retail facility, which was the purpose of the development. All brand constants are integrated into it. And it fits perfectly on the areas of the room that the architect was working on.
Technical details
At this stage, the architectural concept is decomposed into its components — floors, ceilings, tiles, technical solutions, equipment, colors, paints, coatings, films. This is done in order to arrange a tender for suppliers and contractors with an understanding of the requirements.
If the performers have the opportunity to study the drawings, descriptions of technologies, basic solutions, and capacities, the range of bids in the tender is about 20%. This helps to estimate the budget realistically.
Value engineering
Having selected suppliers and contractors, it is necessary to create a pilot facility and assemble a prototype. This is important because, no matter how reliable the visualizations may be, some moments will appear only when the object itself opens.
It is important to treat the opening of the facility as a start in the mass implementation of the brand. We need to test it: let people work, find bottlenecks, mistakes that can and should be fixed. And then carry out Value engineering: analyze the cost of each element of the outlet, restaurant for the possibility of optimization. This will save money, time, and effort for the client's team, especially at the replication stage.
Implementation documentation from Fabula Branding
Our agency's work does not end with the creation of a brandbook. We offer the client to go through all the stages of creating a brand space together:
analytical work;
creating a design concept;
development of the navigation system;
branding of equipment, uniforms, POSM;
development of an architectural concept;
technical details;
Value engineering.
Reliable partners and contractors help us to carry out such a wide range of work. Together, we are able to create a project entirely from scratch, saving clients time and budget.