Slogan development

Walking down the street and humming a line from a famous advertisement. To hear the first word, and end the phrase with the construction that you saw on the board. This is how the slogan works: it easily and naturally introduces the brand into a person's daily life.
Slogan development

The slogan is the first words of a trademark, with which it tells the world its story. This is an opportunity to be remembered and loved by people. Let's take a closer look at the value and features of this small but ingenious branding element.

What gives a business a strong slogan

Some companies are still wondering: "What could be special about a few words?" And they doubt the need to seek professional help in creating a company's slogan, product, or service. 

An inappropriate slogan for a product or company will, at best, have no effect on business performance. At worst, it will cause problems: disharmony of the brand's image in the eyes of the audience, formation of undesirable associations with the brand, marketing mistakes. Due to incorrect verbal communication, the project also loses the opportunity to be remembered and stand out in a competitive environment.

A strong slogan provides:

  • broadcasting the meanings, values, and mission of the brand;

  • recognition and memorability;;

  • the sincere love of the audience.

As a rule, this phrase becomes a reliable platform for creating vivid messages, enriching communication and evoking pleasant emotions in people.

Types of slogan

Brand slogans can be divided into types according to several criteria: linguistic, marketing, functional. But the most important thing is to understand what task this phrase should accomplish before developing it. Depending on the purpose of use, the slogan may be as follows.

  • Corporate. Broadcasts the company's positioning.

  • Grocery. Talks about product positioning.

  • Image-based. Maintains and corrects the reputation of the business.

  • The slogan of the service. Conveys the value of the service.

  • HR. Helps to rally the team.

  • Advertising. Makes the campaign effective.

This division helps to understand the nature and message of the verbal message. For example, the message for an HR brand should involve a deep understanding of the value of each employee's work. And the corporate slogan of the company is to inform about the idea of the CA project.

The power of words: creating a slogan with Fabula Branding

Our team is happy to give brands a voice. For more than 17 years, we have been observing how verbal messages are transforming our clients' businesses. We help:

  • to distinguish the brand from the high level of marketing and advertising noise;

  • create and maintain a brand identity;

  • establish an emotional connection with the audience.

The agency's team develops slogans in different languages. We create 200+ variants, from which the 20 strongest are selected for presentation to the client. Naturally, all this is consistent with the communication strategy to make the brand whole.

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