Belkoopstrakh is one of the oldest Belarusian insurance companies that has been in the market for over 25 years. To keep its leadership and update a morally outdated visual image, the company decided to carry out rebranding.

The team started with the improvement of its customer services, expanded its service range, and added new products.
Simultaneously, Fabula Branding was working on the new name, slogan, and identity.

The name Asoba means ‘an individual’ in Belarusian and also sounds similar to the Russian word ‘osobo’ - ‘special’ or ‘unique’.
It reflects the uniqueness of the company and its employees, as well as its careful individual approach to customers and partners.
The same idea is supported by the slogan “When every client is unique” in Belarusian.
A laconic visual image is based on blue and peach colors. A graphic element (a circle) adds individuality to the text logo and works together with the corporate palette.