Visual Identity


The logo is one of the most important means of brand identification. With its help, the trademark acquires a visible and material image, which is "read" by the consumer faster than words.

Packaging Design

Attract attention. Generate interest. Maintain enthusiasm. Stimulate purchase. Leave a pleasant impression. All these actions are indispensable and invariant "storyline" of correctly executed packaging.

Corporate Identity

A corporate identity or style is a design system that includes all visual components of a brand and secures its identification.

Brand Character

What Is a Brand Character?

Every trademark has its own nature and values, and every company wants to be recognizable and maintain long-term relationships with its customers. One effective marketing tool to achieve this goal is a brand character—a mascot that makes a trademark more humane and gives it personality traits similar to those of its target audience. A brand character attracts attention to the product, has a positive impact on the brand image, and promotes empathy, trust, and loyalty.


What Is Key Visual in Design

A key visual image is a visualization of the main brand message that reflects its USP, emphasizes its style and uniqueness, and establishes communication with the target audience.


Redesigning means changing the visual image of a trademark while preserving its name and market positioning. As a rule, this term refers to such brand components as package design, logo, application, or website.


Rebranding is one of the most important means of identifying a brand. With its help, the trademark acquires a visible, material image, which is "read" by the consumer faster than words.

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